Armed bike gang raids store inside shopping 06/11/2012

A GANG of robbers roar through a shopping centre on MOTORBIKES yesterday in a terrifying raid on a jewellery store. Shoppers and staff scattered in panic as the six men, armed with axes and bats, tore past on three bikes. One warned off shoppers with an axe as CCTV caught his accomplices smashing windows at the Fraser Hart store and grabbing gems worth thousands. The haul, including Rolex and Cartier watches, was stuffed into holdalls before the gang made their getaway back through the Brent Cross shopping centre in North West London. None of the motorbikes in the carefully-planned raid had registration plates but they appeared to have been given "team numbers" by the gang. A Metropolitan Police spokeswoman said the vehicles were found abandoned at a nearby golf course. A witness said: "The break-in was done Italian Job style — but on motorbikes." Another onlooker, fashion shop manager Claire Smalley, 27, said the axeman threatened shoppers.

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