As we assimilated in Macedonian

Have over half a century that the Macedonian qualify, but in their veins bleed citizen. This is the story of 300 thousand Macedonian Orthodox who are joining the national revival, along with the rest of the Muslim Albanians declared the years. Branko Manolovski an Albanian from Macedonia Upper Reka, is committed to being one of the Missionaries of national revival. In an interview, missionary tells that this community has been under various pressures forced to deny state of national identity. Declaring that the true origin has been difficult even for figures like Matthew Matevski former president of the Academy of Sciences in Macedonia, which only a few years ago admitted he was Albanian. For member of the Federation Council "Hearth" Ibrahim Kolari this process will take some time. Missionaries of national revival were on a visit to the church of Saint Mersise in Elbasan, for their efforts to kërcuar for the Albanian national identity.

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