Deaths in Cairo as Egypt security forces clear pro-Mursi protest camps

Pro-Mursi camp a 'war zone' as Egypt police break up Cairo protest An unknown number of people have been killed in Cairo in violence triggered when security forces began clearing two protest camps set up by supporters of ousted President Mohamed Mursi. Members of the Muslim Brotherhood group, Egypt's pro-Mursi faction, have talked of a "massacre" on the streets. They claim hundreds of people have been killed, with different figures being quoted by different sources. Some estimates for the number of dead and injured run into the thousands, but none has been confirmed. Egypt's authorities put the number much lower, in single figures. A journalist working for news agency AFP said he had counted 43 dead bodies. Egypt's interior ministry said two members of the security forces were killed by gunfire as they moved to break up the pro-Mursi protests, describing them as 'martyrs'. Euronews' correspondent Mohammed Shaikhibrahim described the scene in Rabaa al-Adawiya square as a "war zone": "It was very difficult for us to head towards the square because of intense gunfire. We couldn't identify where it came from but there is certainly firing from both sides between the police and the people in Rabaa al-Adawiya square. There are also several fires in several buildings around the square because of the gunfire," he said.

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